Legend of Korra all is forgiven.
Stephen beat me to the punch on writing about this seasons
Korra and probably for the best because I would’ve been much less kind to it than
he was. My feelings in a nutshell: while I get why Korra is acting so out of
character I think a little more exposition or something as to why would’ve made
her more sympathetic, that and the fact that I feel that the plot this season
was rushed, a bit messy and contrived to me made me question last week whether
or not I still wanted to follow this thing.
Then Friday happened.
I’m going to say spoilers but I’m also going to say that if
you can head to nick.com right now and watch Beginnings parts 1 and 2 right now
if you haven’t yet. It’s okay they’re short. No I don’t care of you’ve never
seen Korra or Avatar the Last Airbender, go watch this now because it’ll be one
of the best things you do today I guarantee it.
You back? Okay.

Next we hit the story. In 45 minutes we get the origins of
the Avatar, bending and the conflict between the spirit world and the mortal
that really pulls the rest of the series thus far together and builds towards
the rest of the season. So this wasn’t just a fun aside with Wan the first
Avatar but an integral piece of the story that adds context to the season thus
My last piece is Wan’s death scene. When you see it or if
you have I want you to think of this painting by Arnold Friberg of Mormon and
Moroni on Commorah. In both images we have great warriors whose ultimate goal
was peace at the end of their lives in presumable failure. But a higher power
reassures them that their mission isn’t over and that all hope is not lost. For
me to see a piece in a TV series focused on Asain philosophy touch on a piece
from my own spiritual world that I’m so familiar with, that takes the show to a
whole new plane of emotional depth and wonder.
So I am happy to say that as a person losing his faith in
the Avatar I have recovered from my own fan crisis and found a new piece of
spiritual insight in one of my favorite franchises.
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