Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Lovecrafted Games: Customizable 3D printed miniatures - On Kickstarter!

Two days ago, my friend and fellow author on Mormon Geeks, Stephen, asked me if I had anything to post about this week.  I said I didn't (some of the recent games I played were kind of 'meh').  So, he told me about a kick start project that was starting on Monday, for customization 3D miniatures.  I was immediately intrigued.

A custom sculpted and painted miniature for a D&D character I played called Simon.
What is a miniature?  It's a small figuring that can represent a human, elf, dwarf, monster, etc.  Generally, I first same them used in Dungeons and Dragons characters to give a representation of a character that could be moved around a map, further enhancing the game-play experience.  Honestly, a small figuring that looks like my epic dwarf barbarian is a lot cooler than a little red die.

Why is customization so important?  Well, for me, I always found that the miniatures that were available just didn't work out for me.  Most of the time, they didn't quite match my character.  I had to pick a 'best fit'.  Enter: Lovecrafted Games.  Seeing the need for customizable miniatures, they put for their solution.  From what I can see, the thing looks like it will be an awesome way to order a miniature that is a perfect fit (or at least much closer than a generic fit) for your character.  To top if off, they will have a cool looking web interface so that the miniatures will be even easier to customize.

Lovecraft games will have soooo much more.  To learn more, check out their Kickstarter page here.  This looks like it is a simply awesome idea!

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