Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Fraternity Adventures: Building Brotherhood Through Gaming

Forgive me as I reminisce for a bit.

Let's jump back about two years ago.  My best friend growing up, Michael, was designated as the president of a chapter of Sigma Gamma Chi.  Being the friendly person that he is, he invited me to some activities with his fraternity chapter on Thursday night.  One year later, I decided to become a full member of the chapter.  Sadly, last year, the fraternity was disbanded.  It is something that I miss doing each week.

Why do I bring this all up?  One of things that I miss the most about the chapter was the brotherhood that I felt there.  It was a group of people that shared very similar interests.  We enjoyed playing games together.  I seem to remember many weekly meetings where we gather together around one or more games.  It was through the fraternity that I was introduced to many games that I enjoy now.  The most notable one that I can think of is Dominion.

If you haven't been able to tell by my general theme of my blog posts, I love games!  Also, I am a rather shy person.  I found that playing games with the other members helped me to feel more comfortable around the other members of the fraternity.  A good game can also be a invaluable ice breaker.  Games encourage communication and interaction.  After enjoying a good game with someone, I typically feel more comfortable interacting with them.  Also, it has lead to many enjoyable memories of time spent playing games with friends.

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