(Guest post by Tyler)
This last weekend was the Unova Tour in Pokemon Go. As normal, there were multiple in person events leading up to it. For the event this last weekend, our raid group had planned to meet on campus when the event began. The night before, a few of us went to grab snacks for the event. While shopping, I got invited to a raid in South Korea and since I had a few remote passes, I joined. From my first raid of the event, I got a perfect IV Kyurem. A great start.
Because of a class I was teaching, I showed up an hour late but still had plenty of time for raids. We spent the day raiding and in between we did some trades. The event gave us 6 special trades (special trades include: legendary Pokemon, shiny Pokemon or a form that the other player had not caught before). From the trades, I got another perfect IV Kyurem. The reaction the group had was hilarious from the disbelief. Between the two days of the event, we did around 50 raids.
Something new that they did during the event was a reward point system. Leading up to the event you would get points for each egg hatched, Pokemon caught and Legendary Pokemon caught. During the event itself, points were doubled and unrestricted. There were two sides to the system, a free one and a $15 premium. Rewards in the free version included: encounters with various Pokemon (ex:Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Pawniard, Sandile), candy for Legendary Pokemon, premium items (ex: lures, incense, star piece, lucky egg), regular items (ex: Pokeballs), stardust and fusion energy. The premium pass included more encounters of the Pokemon, increased regular items (5 vs 25 balls), and many more premium items, but most importantly it came with two unique rewards. The first was an encounter with Victini, a Mythical Pokemon that had been released once before in a special research. The other is a new item: the Lucky Trinket. The Lucky Trinket is a limited use item that automatically makes you and another trainer Lucky Friends.
Being Lucky Friends means that the next time you trade with that trainer, the traded Pokemon are guaranteed to be Lucky. This means that you are guaranteed 12 IVs in each stat and it takes half the stardust to power up. It’s pretty typical to use these guaranteed results to trade Legendary Pokemon and Shiny Pokemon.
Overall the event went very well. There was a positive reception all around to the points and reward system with many of us hoping to see it return for larger events such as this again.