Monday, November 20, 2023

LDS Geeks Podcast #6: Loki Season 2

I had the chance to sit down and record with Rob about where in time and space Loki Season 2 took us. Check out the most recent episode of the podcast to listen in on our thoughts, what we liked, and where the series fell short.


Listen to Episode 6 on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

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Check out Spencer's recent blog posts: click here

Check out Rob's recent blog posts: click here

Show Notes:

00:24 - Introductions
01:08 - Spencer's Recommendation: The Good Place
02:10 - Rob's Recommendation: Delicate Dots
05:41 - Loki Season 2
07:45 - Loki and Sylvie
15:38 - Loki and his Friends
28:41 - Mobius
35:15 - Miss Minutes
            Hunger Games - A Bad Lip Reading
39:20 - The Temporal Loom
49:00 - Where do we go from here?
54:55 - Conclusion

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