Monday, May 13, 2024

That Person is a Child of God… Therefore What?

(Guest post by Spencer's dad)

Last month, I wrote an article called “I am a Child of God… Therefore What?” When we see ourselves and others as children of God, will we see them differently?  How would seeing them as children of God change how we interact?

At the conclusion of that article I wrote “Over the next ten days I will consider those questions. In two weeks I will write up some observations I made as I tried to see those around me ?”  Ten days was only the beginning of my re-visualizing the world. A month later I have three conclusions (so far):

1. We are all like the crooked tree we saw off the Old Alaska Highway.  As you look at the attached photo you can see that the top of the tree was bent at a 90 degree angle over the road. No other tree have this unique growth pattern.  No doubt a scientist could study “90 degree Tree” and conclude why this one is unique.   (It is already unique because I gave it a name)

Each of us (children of God) is as unique as 90 Degree Tree.  Our path of life has taken us to places we never imagined (both good and bad).   Our experiences and choices have brought us to where we  today.   It is easy to see how 90 Degree Tree is different than all of the other trees.  It is not as easy to see or accept how different we each are inside and outside.

2. Each child of God is as amazing as 90 Degree Tree. In the last month my eyes have been opened to how amazing each person is no matter where they are on the path.  God sees us as someone of worth. God does not define us by our current or life long challenge. The pine cone does not look much like a tree, but we know that each seed has the potential to become something much different.  We have potential to become something much different than what we have been if we allow God to nourish our seed of faith. 

3. Each child of God grows at different rates (in different seasons).  In our 16 months in the Yukon no one would have expected a tall pine tree to grow from seedling to tower over us. Steady long-term growth will bring that seedling to its towering potential. During spring and summer 2023 we saw flowers grow from seeds to full bloom.  Before we leave this month some flowers will begin their growth cycle. 

Our hope, as missionaries and as church members, is that we can help each other grow.  The gospel provides for us the spiritual nourishment to understand our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  Church meetings allows us to learn from each other and grow our flower.  The programs of the church give us the structure where we can put theory into action.   As we serve children of God we feel the Lord’s love for them (and for us).  

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