Wednesday, June 10, 2015

NovaTees-Awesome tee shirts you need to have!

I was contacted by a friend the other day letting me know that he's working with a new up-and-coming geeky tee shirt store, and more than happy to help out a friend I checked out his store's site.

Yeah... I need all of them... is at first reminiscent of, except when I went to NovaTees website my computer didn't have a seizure. Selection is slimmer than Teeturtle, but quality is certainly not lacking. Based out of Provo Utah, the new company is off to a good start with variety and fan combinations that make even my jaded heart squee with glee, plus none of the tee shirts are the least bit inappropriate, which in the geek world is becoming fewer and further between.

If me raving about them isn't enough, here are three of my favorites directly from the website:

Hate to say it, but I called him Zelda until I was like 15. 

One Ninja Turtle in Smash Brothers... That's all I ask...

Follow these folks on Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest and Instagram!
Buy buy buy!!!


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