Monday, June 7, 2021

Pokemon Nicknames: Harry Potter (Gen I-III)

I've recently started re-reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone as I begin the series again. As I do (and as I perpetually play my Pokemon games) I'm looking for more fun nicknames to use. I'm currently using Harry Potter-themed nicknames on Yellow, so I wanted to share a few ideas I had in Gen I and beyong. And a few Fantastic Beasts nicknames as well.

PS: I'm way too proud of a couple of these.

Charizard as Norbert

Raticate as Wormtail (also Scabbers or Pettigrew)

Bellsprout as Pickett

Zapdos as Frank

Moltres (also Ho-Oh) as Fawkes

Furret as Draco

Linoone as Helga

Mightyena as Padfoot (also Snuffles or Sirius)

Seviper as Nagini

Sharpedo as Viktor

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