Monday, August 17, 2015

Obsession: DC Deck Building Game

Sorry it's been a while since I've posted. Summer is just that busy time of the year that sucks all my time up in a vortex. But we're nearing the end of that and Salt Lake Comic Con is only about a month away. What is also almost a month away is Doctor Who Series 9. Let's not forget October when Arrow Season 4 and The Flash Season 2 will begin. (And yes, I am excited for League of Legends starting mid-season). Supergirl will also be starting this fall, but I'm more excited for The Muppets' return to TV. And then there's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Gotham for those who are fans of them. Let's be honest, it's a great time for Geek TV.

On to the real post, though.

Thanks to Joe, I'm addicted to the DC Deck Building Game. Thanks to my bank account, I do not own this game. So all I can go off of is the few times I've played against Joe. But honestly, I can't get enough of this game at the moment.

Now Joe has the original game. And most of the expansions (I'm guessing, because the box he carries them all in is almost out of room.) Because of that, we've seen a bunch of random stuff pop up in the game...speaking of, let me tell you what's in it.

First, you have a hero you play as/with, I'm never quite sure. It's possible to have a villain actually depending on the expansion/set/what-have-you. And they give you a power. (Unless it's Green Arrow, I never could figure out what to do with him other than say "yay, I'm Green Arrow...")

After that you have your starter cards and try to buy other cards (similarly to Dominion). With the right combination of cards, you can defeat the villains. Woohoo. And when all the villains are defeated, game over. Most points on the cards you have wins.

Of course, there's weakness cards that deduct from your points. And it's even more awesome when Joe gives you 20 weaknesses because he has the right card for it along with a card that copies it. I'm not bitter...whatever.

In that game, Joe and I were playing with the additional Arrow expansion (not to be confused with the Green Arrow hero I was playing with.) I gotta say, the Arrow expansion added some nice dynamics to it. Except Laurel, I wasn't happy with a card concerning her, just like her place on Team Arrow. Of course, defeating Malcolm Merlyn (meaning I've "bought" the card and it goes into my deck) was the highlight of the game. Because...well...Captain Jack Harkness.

So on a scale of Fantastic 4 movies to Doctor Who, this hits my obsession level of Batman, which is appropriate since we are discussing a DC game whose base is the Justice League of America. This is a great game that mixes strategy and luck, which I always like. Now to convince my wife I need to buy them all...hmm...

Alien abductions are involuntary, but probings are scheduled.

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