Monday, April 21, 2014

Back to the Grind

Ah, FanX was this past weekend. Due to the fact that I had a weekend without kids with my wife the week before and that I will be attending LDStorymakers this weekend, I had to sadly decide not to go. Also, I have issues in a large crowd like that. So many people. Far too much awesome. It'd be overwhelming.

Instead, I spent a lot of time with my kids. And of course, my wife and I watched Dr. Who. Between me continuing the 4th Doctor's quest to find the third piece of The Key to Time and my wife an I finishing the 10th Doctor's run with Donna, I got to geek out plenty on my own.

(Geek Note: As a Whovian, I recognize Sylvester McCoy's final appearance as the 7th Doctor in 1989, Paul McGann's portrayal in the movie, and Christopher Eccleston's "regeneration" in 2005 are all one continual storyline. However, BBC terms 1963-1989's Doctor as seasons and the 2005-present in series. I refer to them as "classic" vs "modern", but maintain the numerology of 9th, 10th, and 11th for Eccleston, Tenant, and Smith's portrayals.)

I've written about my recent obsession about the Doctor. And as I've continued to watch the show, I've been learning to enjoy it more and more. Yeah, the classic Doctors can be a little cheesy. But when you look at the stories themselves, they're actually pretty decent.

For the 16th season of the classic Doctor Who, we see #4 joined by Romana in search of the six pieces of the Key to Time. Despite a lackluster opening serial, the 2nd and 3rd were really well done, in my opinion.

And you get a look at how the #4, despite being fairly arrogant, is also very quirky. The following scene takes place between the Doctor and Emilia (a professor in what was modern day England at the airing of this serial.) The Doctor has just explained to the professor what exactly is chasing them. She is incredulous to the situation.

Emilia: But Doctor, a silicon-based life form is unknown, unheard of, impossible.

Doctor: Maybe, it doesn't realize that.

Yes, I was alone in watching this classic moment. Yes, I was laughing. And yes, I'd do that again. It was that awesome.

Fast forward almost 30 years later, and you have the airing of the fourth series of modern Doctor Who with David Tenant. My wife and I really did like Christopher Eccleston. And in the second series, we were not fond of Tenant. Funny enough, in the end of that series, we were sick of Rose as his companion and were glad to get a new one for a small amount of time.

I personally really liked Martha. Although, I find it humorous that she wears heels in a few episodes and runs rather well in them. Surprisingly well. But when it's time to run in a pair of sneakers, she just doesn't have that speed.

However, what Doctor Who fan doesn't love Donna? If you don't, you're a fool. Donna is this awesome character full of spunk and charm. She's one of those people that the average person can connect to. There are similarities between Rose and Donna in being "average" and "unintelligent." Rose uses her social skills to her advantage in dealing with the strange worlds the Doctor takes her to. However, Donna uses her brilliance to figure things out.

The 4th series (which would be Tenant's last, not including his specials) ends with a big bang (figuratively and somewhat literally). As a viewer (and wannabe writer), the one thing I noticed is it seems that they did not know if the show would continue past this moment. You get a combination of characters from Torchwood and Sarah Jane Adventures, we see the return of former regular companions Rose and Martha, and not to mention the recurring characters of Mickey, Jackie, Captain Jack, and Mrs. Jones.

Okay, now my fanboy has been turned on. I'll tone it back and say this: I was skeptical about Doctor Who because it was a British show. My cousin first mentioned that he watched it to me at our grandparents' funeral in 1999. I was interested in it but had no idea how to watch it. When I noticed it had returned, I was curious to watch it, and did so sometime in 2010, but just the first episode of the modern Doctor. Finally, this year, I've given it a fair chance and have found a new obsession to enjoy for as long as I can. (With 50 years of history, there's a lot to enjoy.)

If you don't watch it, I highly recommend it.

Alien abductions are involuntary, but probings are scheduled.

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