I’m probably going to catch a lot of flak for this, but
that’s okay I’m used to it. There are just some shows I’m sick of seeing,
hearing about, or being told that I “have to see”. Here is what’s sitting at
the top of my list. And for the record, I really did try to get into these
shows, but honestly I either can’t do it anymore or I never could like them.
The Office
All this show does is take the one joke from the film Office
Space and stretch it out into 8 seasons. Yes, I know that offices can be
quirky, but come on 8 seasons? How long is this documentary supposed to be?
It’s as bad as that endless bedtime story How I Met Your Mother keeps telling.
The camera angle thing and the breaking the fourth wall are cute, but at one
point it just gets old. This show even did the whole Ross and Rachel/JD and
Elliot/Bones and Booth thing nearly every other TV show ever has done. They
even had a baby and this show is still going! What is the appeal?
The Simpsons

Anything Seth McFarlane has out right now
Seth, I love you. Stewie is one of my favorite characters. I
loved him both as the world dictator and as the effeminate baby, but do we
really need three cartoons about middle-class working families? In fact, do we
really need three ultra-liberal anti-religious cartoons about middle-class
families? Say what you want about South Park, at least their statements are
varied and happily attack anyone they can find equally. Family Guy especially,
since I fear if it’s not happening now it’ll end up being like the Simpsons in
the very near future, just stagnant and not having much going for it. And no
more clones of Family Guy. When it first came out everyone called it a
Simpson’s clone, but now you’re kind of proving them right. At least when Groening
was green lighted for another project; he set it 1000 years in the future and
made half the cast aliens and robots.
Big Bang Theory
This is probably what I’m going to catch the most flak for.
Everyone tells me I should love this show, but frankly I despise it. Its 2012
now, walk into any Elders quorum in the US and ask who Doomsday is and you’ll
find someone who can tell you about the death of Superman, and for that matter,
nearly any occupation in America. This isn’t Revenge of the Nerds people, not
all geeks are scientists and socially awkward around women. I’m not even sure
who the audience for this thing is supposed to be, since it makes fun of geeks
for being geeks but then makes jokes and references only geeks would get. Who
are you trying to alienate exactly?
Okay start sending the complaints.
What, no reality TV on your list? I'm rather surprised...
ReplyDeleteYeah, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, The Real Housewives of Wherever, and Toddlers & Tiaras should be on this list before any of those.
ReplyDeleteThose shows should never have started in the first place...these are shows that had promise and then kinda died.